Air Knight Air Purification Systems, Wichita Falls, TX

Since 1957

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Air Knight® Air Purification System

air knight air purification

Using an air purification system is an easy installation and will provide cleaner, fresher indoor air in 24 hours. The Air Knight® and Air Knight® REME systems help eliminate indoor air quality problems by reducing air pollutants, VOCs (chemical odors), smoke, bacteria, viruses and mold by using UV light technology.

REME Technology increases the effectiveness of UV Light air filtration by charging particulates in the air which causes them to cling together, making it easier for a filter to trap them. With this process, micro-organisms such as pet dander and allergens can be reduced by over 99%.

The Air Knight Air Purification System is a whole home indoor air quality solution providing:

Remove symptom causing dust, pollen, mold, and dander, as air circulates through your central air system.

Active air purification uses ionic air scrubbers to neutralize indoor pollutants in the air, surfaces, and wherever air goes.

Germicidal UV lights work with filtration by reducing biological contaminants 24/7. Even when your HVAC system isn’t running.

See Our Specials

To help make your dreams of owning a modern, reliable and energy efficient heating and cooling system a reality, and to help improve system performance and longevity, we offer periodic specials and coupons on a variety of different products and services.

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